Ceres and Chiron Clear a Conundrum ~ 27 Jul 2023

Before you know it, Ceres and Chiron converge into an opposition hell bent on clearing up several conundrums. Before you know it, as in less than a month, on 20 August the aspect becomes precise.

Collectively, two things are likely to surface. One, advocacy for health care, in any of its manifestations, takes center stage. Expect this factor ultimately to weigh in for attention in any labor dispute and all political campaigns. Two, enthusiastic support generally spreads inspiring each and every person to locate everything great about themselves so they may shed any and all feelings of inadequacy. Things like life coaching, speaking on behalf of those with sagging self-esteem and any disabilities, physical, mental or spiritual, become a deserving emphasized big deal.

Personally, Ceres advocates for treating oneself with kindness and fairness before attempting to do the same with any other person. Chiron in Aries seeks to overcome “not enough-ism.” Whatever a person heard about how they did not measure up to par and believed, Chiron points a soul toward personal attributes and truths, that when integrated, heal and seal any cracks in ones psychological, mental, emotional and spiritual foundations.

The antidote is to conduct, only when in a more or less positive mental space, a survey of all personal assets, skills and talents and to ingest them into consciousness thoroughly. With this task complete, whenever another person seeks to diminish your confidence to achieve their upper hand, their campaign can be seen as the hogwash it is and no longer poses a conundrum of conflicted confidence. Total belief in self provides a new growth marker that when demarcated with indelible psychic ink endures all stresses, potholes, detours and adversities.

Leading up to this aspect next month the Sun and Venus retrograde flaunt their stuff in Leo. So maybe a tad of “fake it ‘til you make” assumption may be in play. However with constant and honest self assessment, self realization results and the realization is of the consistency that sticks to the bones.

Around the time Venus turns direct (by GMT 04 September), these refined personal resources will be in high demand.

On 03 September Ceres in Libra opposes Eris in Aries, One may assume that one must advocate for oneself to be included in proper life arenas with this aspect. While that is a valid delineation, should one have integrated their perception of all personal attributes and grown to believe in them fully, other simply assume that any confident sort simply belongs where they are. Being, believing and the subsequent auric emanations diminish the need for bombast and bluster. What you are radiating is accepted as who you are. Period.

The very next day as Venus stations (04 September) Ceres in Libra conjoins the South Lunar Node. A consciousness sets in that with the restored sense of being one will be treated fairly, with respect, and considered by others for the contribution they have yet to contribute. True, others assess such factors thinking of their best personal interests. And no doubt, a fully assured selfness does the same and competently negotiates through and beyond the pattern for fair claim in life. Fair claim suggests being able to do any and all things that directly or indirectly result in fulfilling the karmic path.

These early September patterns set up an era in which one must remain vigilant regarding ones purpose and diligent in applying the best of all talents and values in every action engaged. The era of consideration here begins 17 September as the North Lunar Node in Aries engages Eris in near conjunction, followed by weeks of the two in virtual alignment, concluding in early December. If there was ever a time to assert a firm stand for the need for the collection of any and all scattered personal fragments, this is it.

Perhaps this era could be considered healing the Humpty Dumpty Syndrome. You and you alone can properly assemble all of your components, regardless how complex they might seem. Self knowing and belief become the cosmic glue... better than any of the massively tacky (as in glue tack) products out there.

As Jupiter goes retrograde in early September this year, what has stuck has stuck. Things are solid. Integrated self awareness truly sticks. As such, Jupiter’s retrogradation can be seen as a time of polishing and perfecting. No anticipation of slippage need apply. Gain continues as the grand benefactor retraces his steps. More important, eager anticipation of all the ways - more than ever before - one may apply their best attributes come April as Jupiter and Uranus convene in Taurus reaches an aspired apex.

At that point a time life becomes “When all bets are off.” As Ceres in Libra now points out, that’s only fair, isn’t it?

More soon.